
infinitive 不定詞をとる動詞




これらは不定詞のみをとり、gerund 動名詞はとりません。

意味 例文
agree 同意する He agreed to go
appear と思われる Your health appeared to be better.
arrange 手配する She arranged to meet them next Friday.
ask 頼む I asked to see the manager.
care 気にする She does’t care to take the test.
claim 主張する He claims to be a writer.
decide 決める I decided to go to guraduate school.
demand 要求する He demanded to know  about that.
deserve 受けるに値する She deserved to win.
expect 期待する I expect to come early.
fail し損なう He failed to get a job.
forget 忘れる I forgot to do a homework yesterday.
happen 偶然〜する He happened to hear it.
hesitate 躊躇する I hesitate to ask you.
hope 望む I hope to move from here.
intend するつもりである He intend to go to America.
learn できるようになる I learned to speak English.
offer 申し出る He offered to give me assistance.
plan 計画する We plan to buy a new car.
prepare 準備する I prepare to go hiking.
pretend ふりをする He pretended to know everything.
promise 約束する He promised to arrive early.
refuse 断る She refused to go.
seem のように思える She seem to know the truth.
swear 誓う He swore to stop smoking.
tend しがちである You tend to be conservative.
threaten 脅す He threatened to tell the truth.
vow 誓う He vowed to study hard.
wait 待つ They can’t wait to go sking.
want したい I want to buy a new car.
wish 願う They wished to see you.
yearn したがる He yearn to live in Paris.





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